Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The Pope Misrepresents The Bible To Fit Agenda 21

As the choppy waters of September 2015 move ashore, all eyes will be on Pope Francis’ visit to the United States, jittery stock markets and signs in the heavens. Francis is expected to enthusiastically endorse a new U.N. document that promises to wipe out poverty by 2030 by reordering the world economy along the lines of socialist principles. The document, titled “Transforming Our World: 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” also seeks to “strengthen universal peace” and usher in a new era of shared prosperity.

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1 comment:

  1. you got two people in power that can indeed save the AIPAC collapsing mess, call the america nightmare" THE MURDER NATION" washington the FED and the AIPAC 1913 reality is collapsing if you morons hope for some improvement wake up otherwise the 1984 boot shall be on the face of 350 million Americans who are somehow square but believe they are spherical; so folks shape up before you lot become lower than dog's mind.
