Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Most Explosive 9-11 Facts Revealed

The Most Explosive 9-11 Facts Revealed In 14 Years - Rebekah Roth On The Pete Santilli Show

Rebekah Roth joins Pete to talk about what she knows concerning the 911 attacks and to shed light on information she recently received concerning a 911 type bio/nuke attack she has been told is imminent.

About Rebekah Roth - Rebekah enjoyed a nearly thirty year airline career working as both a flight attendant and an international purser. She is also a trained emergency medical technician and served as a volunteer firefighter.

Her expertise and training as a flight attendant allowed me to research the events of September 11, 2001, with an insider’s knowledge that eventually lead her to discover details and answers to some of the most haunting questions surrounding that infamous day in our history.

She enjoyed a very exciting life both in the air and on the ground and because of that, was encouraged by co-workers to write a book. As she began to do that, she discovered that ten of the accused 9/11 hijackers were still alive. Several of them were also airline employees employed with Saudi Arabia Airlines and that they had had their identifications stolen years prior to 9/11. At least four of the accused hijackers threatened to sue the U.S. Government and the FBI if they did not stop using their names and identities. That discovery, along with the refusal by the U.S. government to discontinue their false accusations; ignited Rebekah’s curiosity.

After thousands hours of research, using official government documents, print and video media from 9/11, and several books; Rebekah’s discovered that there were also at least two women involved in the 9/11 event. Using her personal knowledge of in-flight procedures, FAA hijacking protocols, the state of Massachusetts and cell phone technology, she then discovered yet to be exposed details concerning the planes, the passengers and the perpetrators which are woven into Methodical Illusion.

Less than ten months following the release of her first book Rebekah released Methodical Deception. This book is a continuation of the first as it is written again as a novel. More new and mind blowing information is released in this book including some eye witness accounts and the use of government documents from the DEA, FBI, FAA, NORAD, and the US Air Force to name a few.

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