Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Syria War 2015: The Syrian War What You're Not Being Told

What's really going on in Syria? Let's look at the evidence.
Frontline Insane Heavy Firefight

The real problem is us, the American people. We do not read books, prefer game shows and sports over politics, get our information from TV networks who slant the news to whatever their political views are, have a deep fear about foreigners, etc. The wars in Vietnam and Iraq would never had happened if most of us simply paid attention to what our "leaders" are really attempting. Or simply paid attention to what is going on in the world and understood geography. Slowly a lot of people are becoming more aware to the lies being fed to us but too many of us don't care due to apathy or just ignorance. The U.S. will not attack Iran, not because of its Jewish population (a dumb and outlandish explanation) but because the Iranian people will stand together to fight back against foreign intervention. Unlike Iraq which is a fragmented society Iran is held together by a common history and heritage. There may eventually be change in this country, it does have a strong middle class and the citizens aren't Muslim hillbillies but very worldly, but it will have to come from within.

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