Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Steve Quayle -- Full Take Down Of The United States - September 2nd, 2015

 Get Ready For "Death Squads" As Civil War Comes To America

The globalists agenda is moving ahead like a freight train, with raical divisions being purposely exploited to create chaos that is leading to another American civil war. In the video below, renowned author Steve Quayle, joins Alex Jones to provide listeners with the latest he has heard from his sources as he explains this is a "critical time" and the biggest issue right now is that "we are under a full Communist internal revolution."

Quayle does an excellent job explaining that there is no better way to get "massive civil unrest" than to have high visibility "assassinations."

Get ready for the death squads people because everything is going according to plan, as can be seen in the latest incident where an 18 year old armed man was shot and killed in Missouri, sparking yet more protests. What we are watching play out in front of our very eyes is the "full take down of the United States, from within and without."

This is a must-listen to segment in order to understand that what we were warned about is coming to pass and what to expect going forward

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