Thursday, September 17, 2015

Pope Francis Warns of ISIS 'Infiltration' Danger Via Staged Refugee Flows

Pope Francis has blamed the “bad and unjust” global capitalist system for the refugee and migrant crisis that Europe is facing right now – while warning that Islamic State jihadists may take advantage of the massive influx to slip into EU undetected.
EU refugee & migrant influx, Islamic State
Calling economic migrants and the flow of refugees fleeing war zones in the wider Middle East and Africa only the “tip of an iceberg” the pontiff highlighted what he believes to be the root cause of the crisis.

“The cause is a bad and unjust socioeconomic system, in everything, in the world,” Pope Francis said in an interview with the Portuguese Catholic broadcaster Radio Renascenca. “ These poor people are fleeing war, hunger, but that is the tip of the iceberg.”

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1 comment:

  1. pope francis is correct, however ISIS "is madness" suggestion put the us army under UN command for world safety: there is a war all over the middle east. and expanding. time to contained better stop it. this 2001 war from kabul to all over. begun in grand slam officially in 2001. as master plan marshall plan. the result is global chaos. reason why if the world wants peace it can only be achieved when the us has no voice on it. there is no other way. europe the mother & father must stand with the chinese wisdom to save what remains of the crumbling planet. the king ? would it be LongsShanks, or the new king. as the leprechaun said once the last musician plays, washington will exit britain the king will return. however will it be one from the past or one from the now, the present ? suggestion put the american military under UN control. for safety.
