Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Obama plan for World War 3 Best documentary of the Year ! NUCLEAR WAR

Einstein once said: I dont know what weapons will be used in world war 3 but I am sure the stone will be the only weapons being used in the world war 4. Nuclear WAR is NOT a game. it will DESTROY the EARTH

Biologic weapons are and have been being used for some time now. That is what chemical trails and H.A.A.R.P. are designed to do, if you do studies on this weapon of mass destruction you will find that it is a New age death trap, a much larger version of concentration camps as the planes are deploying the same chemical agents that where used in Wwtwo. It has now reached everyone the globe and all who breath the chemicals will slowly die once H.A.A.R.P. Is activated. This weapon of mass destruction also controls the weather and is killing off ocean life, birds and the entire economic system has collapsed. WW3has been going on for sometime now. The depopulation agenda is in full effect now, it is time for the nuclear holiest, many want to be released from this he'll on earth. I detest Obama, he has intentionally destroyed this country as did the wicked Bush administration, Iraq deserves justice for the bullwhip war crimes of nine eleven that they never did to the Us.

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