Tuesday, September 29, 2015


 A rogue planet known in ancient times as Nibiru, The Destroyer, Wormwood, The Frightener, the Terrible Comet, Hercolubus and various other names, is headed toward Planet Earth once again, and has already begun to spawn a series of global catastrophes. In modern times, this dangerous celestial body has been known by the name of Planet X. Some even believe Nibiru could send comets toward our planet as soon as this September.

It's difficult to discern the exact truth about this subject because it's been deliberately obscured by disinformation. We're dealing with one of the biggest cover-ups in the history of mankind, and that's saying a lot, because the competition is so fierce.

But after 10 years of research, one school of thought that makes a lot of sense to me is that like most of the stars in the universe, our sun is part of a binary system. A smaller star -- possibly a brown dwarf star -- orbits the sun, and at least seven planets orbit the second sun. Planet X is the outermost planet in the brown dwarf system, which invades our inner solar system every 3,600 years or so -- possibly even more often than that. Some research indicates this happens every 500 years.

One thing is clear -- Earth has repeatedly been devastated by a cycle of cosmic catastrophes. It's well-documented in the historical and geological record.

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