Thursday, September 3, 2015

Mystery Babylon | New World Order & Free Masonry | Bill Cooper

 Over the course of the series, Cooper gives an extensive background of the occult history and origins of secret societies throughout history and up to the present day. Starting with the dawn of man, Cooper brings the listener through the Egyptian mystery religion of Isis and Osiris and on to the beginnings of the secret society networks from the Assassins to the Freemasons and on to the Nazis, and explains how their belief in ancient wisdom and rituals is preserved and practiced by various social, religious, and political groups, such as the Freemasons, the Skull and Bones, and Rosicruscians, to this day.

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  1. Only an American could imagine that Hitler was a socialist. He nationalized nothing and was in cahoots with the capitalists. He was also against trade unions. Hitler was a right wing fascist and leader of a corporate state. A corporate state is what America is.

  2. If Karl Marx was merely a hack writer, then what is this guy? He obviously thinks he belongs to an elite entity called America. The murderers of a whole continent of Indians and the theft of all their land. They are the enslavers of all kinds of people in the world. The worst tyranny on earth in the last 2 centuries. Their arrogance makes them blind to their own wickedness. They form death squads at Fort Benning to murder anyone standing in their arrogant will. They drone people all over the world. I look forward to their demise.
