Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Harley Schlanger -- US "War on Terror" is A Fraud

Harley Schlanger, historian and national spokesman for LaRouchePAC joins us to discuss current geopolitical events including Putin's gamesmanship in Syria where he has outmaneuvered Obama and exposed the fraud of the US "war on terror" by actually fighting ISIS, which the Pentagon and Obama does not want. Incidentally, in March of 2014 while at the Hague in the Netherlands, President Obama warned the world that he is very concerned about the possibility of a nuclear weapon going off in Manhattan - a puzzling and frightening admission from a "leader of the free world". Given that western governments are very keen on using false flag events to steer public policy and opinion, one wonders what Obama knows. Harley and I discuss. We also cover the deteriorating global economy, and the fact that the American people had better wake up soon, because once the Dollar collapses under its mountain of debt and broken promises, Harley explains, "People aren't going to have money soon. If we don't change the policies we're going to have a global blowout much much bigger than 2008, probably much bigger than 1929 to 1933 and people will lose everything".

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