Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Government Spying, Data Mining & Encryption + Cyber Surveillance with Jenna McLaughlin

 Government spying through cyber surveillance and metadata mining, and the ongoing negotiation between spying and security is discussed with the Intercept’s Jenna McLaughlin. How the Patriot Act’s section 215 was used and ultimately allowed to lapse, will become of the mountains of data it pulled from Americans, and what will follow with the USA Freedom Act is explored, as we talk about the corporate and government surveillance state, in this Lip News interview, hosted by Elliot Hill.

Jenna McLaughlin is a reporter and blogger covering surveillance and national security. She previously covered national security and foreign policy at Mother Jones magazine as an editorial fellow. There, she recently published a deep-dive investigation into the self-proclaimed “freedom fighter” Matthew VanDyke and his mission, entrenched in problems, to train the Assyrian Christians of Iraq to fight ISIS. She routinely covered the Pentagon’s sexual assault problem, putting pressure on Lackland Air Force base and others to address issues with reporting and preventing assaults. Her coverage of the Islamic State, ISIS, has been cited by recent novels and other stories on the subject, and her coverage of Twitter and its relationship to privacy and counterterrorism has been referenced in congressional testimony. She has also published multiple freelance articles with the National Journal, and previously worked for Baltimore City Paper and DC Magazine.

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