Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Ezekiel 38 : Obama wins critical backing on Persian Nuclear Deal in the U.S. Senate (Sept 02, 2015)

BREAKING: President Barack Obama secures Senate votes needed for Iran nuclear deal

President Barack Obama locked up enough U.S. Senate votes to protect the Iran nuclear deal in Congress as Maryland Democrat Barbara Mikulski said Wednesday she will support the agreement. Mikulski’s backing guarantees that if Congress votes to disapprove the deal this month and Obama vetoes that measure as he has said he will, the president will have the 34 Senate votes to keep Republicans from overriding. The Maryland senator isn’t seeking re-election in 2016. In a statement, Mikulski said the agreement was “the best option available to block Iran from having a nuclear bomb.” On Tuesday, announcements by Senators Chris Coons of Delaware and Bob Casey of Pennsylvania bought the president within one vote of the number he needed in the 100-member Senate. The deal would ease economic sanctions on Iran in exchange for curbs on the country’s nuclear program. Obama has lobbied hard for Democratic support and has made pitches to U.S. Jewish leaders to counter opposition to the deal by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Two Senate Democrats are joining Republicans in opposing the agreement, while 10 haven’t announced a position. If Obama can gather 41 Senate votes by getting most of those Democrats on board, they could block the Senate from voting on the agreement at all.

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1 comment:

  1. suggestion to DDT alias Donald Trump: since he has billions he can move wall street to beaumont texas and honor: BAAL which is the god of beauty in french BEAU: Beaumont texas" by this move he can honor the syrian God, put ISIS on a mental conundrum, revive the economy and show that he is a real billionaire. "think it over" is moving forward for the 21 century.
