Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Could THIS Be Why Animals Are GOING BERSERK in 2015?

This is AGENDA 21 [ Beast System ] , Those pushing this System are Militant Environmentalists who are schooling all State and Local Planning Boards on implementing this, and how to deal with those who refuse this ideology both mentally, financially, and spiritually using the Global Warming Hoax as an Excuse. If you look at the Map of what they want in America's Future it becomes VERY obvious that they will be banning Human Activity and living in all Rural Territories. The Humans who belong to the 99% Category will be corralled into Pack and Stack Apts. in Megacities! They lecture in Their Meetings that this will be Sustainable Development where all Resources needed will be located nowhere else except in these Megacities. They are talking that all Medical, Shops, and Parks will be within walking distance of these Apts. Also that theses Cities will grow their own food, and treat their own water within these City Limits and that the ONLY travel will be by Foot, rented Electric Cars, Bicycle,  Bus or Train. They say that this is being designed to return Nature back to the Animals. In other words no one is allowed to leave, and the Humans become the Zoo Animals. Its worship of the Creation rather than the Creator just as the Bible warns us will happen. As a matter of fact, grindall61 Channel caught a Worship Service at 1 of the Public Meetings last month on camera. They opened the Meeting with worship of Gaia, the Demonic Name for Nature and the Earth by Pagans. Grindall61 records every meeting and uploads them. He caught some scary words recently by a Leader in this Movement who spoke in a Heavy German Accent telling the Officials, " This is going to see the end of Single Family Homes and 2 Cars in the Driveways of America! " This is the Beast System coming soon, the Pope is set to give a Speech before Congress in Sept. and He will be laying out what He wants, that this is Rome's Plan to take Resources, reduce the Middle Class so money goes to lift the Poor Nations out of poverty. Its Marxism with a smile. Now you know why Obama constantly talks about Redistribution of Wealth so often.

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1 comment:

  1. folks are experiencing a faulty concept dissonance, this cognitive dissonance is going global, and could even distrot what logic and reason have being for the human animal the result is that he will become lower than a lion, as reason goes! even lions are smarter than some americans. so beware is here, how and why? who knows, but be aware. as lost of all reason can unbalance humans and create a disastrous lemmings communal suicide.
