Tuesday, September 1, 2015

CERN -- '' Opening The Gates Of Hell '' Death & Destruction Is Coming

 God is America's only hope...Right now we have a president who is fabricating a divided America in as many ways as possible. 1.Race War 2.Gender War 3.Class War 4.Religious War - These 4 areas of controversy have been baited and engineered by Dictator Obama, and he is now paving the way to an America that is going against the very values that have always made America the strongest and most blessed country in the world...God is not happy with where are leaders are taking our country. The same sex marriage in all 50 states was a direct rejection of the truth and values we have always stood for, and now we're on our own. God is not going to bless our land or country while our country rejects the very laws of God that our wise founding fathers chose to obey in America. Obamanation fits right on with his very name and lifestyle. Now comes the radical evil that wants nothing but death for all Americans . Say bye to your God given rights, your constitutional rights, and welcome the roaches that Barack has been working for over the last 7 years, and 1 more to go...time for dictatorship,  martial law, and all out war and division in America. Are you ready? ‪#‎feelingtired‬

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