Tuesday, September 15, 2015


As tension mounts in the middle east and the South China Sea the United States has launched a multinational exercise code named DAWN BLITZ designed to enhance Expeditionary Strike Group Three and the 1st Marine Expeditionary Brigade.

Allied forces deployed in the exercise include Japan, Mexico, and New Zealand. As you can see by this exclusive DOD footage secured by Next News the training is designed to enhance the interoperability of the allies to conduct sea-based operations, amphibious landings, and command and control capabilities.

Now Next News has just learned that while at a London military conference a defiant Chinese Admiral has declared that the "South China Sea 'Belongs to China' staking their claim with their artificial islands there.

Meanwhile, the Pentagon has now confirmed that China's close ally Russia, is Setting Up A Forward Operating Base in Syria. Compete with tanks and artillery.

All this Just as the United States demands Greece airspace shut down to Russian military flights and Bulgaria follows suit.

These are significant global developments that are leading in only one direction. A global war unlike anything we have ever seen in human history.

The nations running head to head possess more firepower than was used in world War 2 combined.

The drums of war are beating... But unfortunately America has grown deaf to the sound. After all we've been in a state of perpetual war since 2001.

Make it your mission today to warn a friend of what is happening. God knows the American media is too concerned with distracting the public.

How long do we have? That's a question I'll leave for you in the comments below.

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1 comment:

  1. How Long Do We Have?

    Maybe 2 1/2 months or less.
