Thursday, September 17, 2015

Bill Still -- Donald Trump Wins 2nd Debate

Donald Trump has trumped his other 10 Republican presidential candidates in every poll taken just hours after the close of the 2nd debate. In a poll taken in Fox 5 in San Diego, out of a large sample of over 16 thousand, Trump got 46% of the vote to second place Carly Fiorina with 22%. Marco Rubio placed third in the debate with only 9%. Ben Carson and Rand Paul placed 4th and 5th with 6%, Rand Paul with only 6% of the vote. Now, to keep this in context, a thousand respondents in a political poll is considered a lot of people, However, although online polls provide a much bigger sample, they are sometimes skewed to a certain audience. In the massive Drudge Report poll of nearly 500,000 votes by 7am this morning, Trump got a whopping 60% of the vote, with Fiorina trailing in 2nd place with 17%, Ted Cruz in 3rd with 5%, Rubio 4th with 5% and Rand Paul edging out Ben Carson, both with 4%. In a smaller, but more nuanced poll taken by TheStreet,com out of 5,000 respondents, on the question of who won the debate, Trump got 52% of the vote, Fiorina came in with 20%, Rubio came in 3rd with 7%, Ben Carson 4th with 5%, and Jeb Bush 5th, also with 5%. However, on the question of who would you like to see win the GOP nomination, Trump widened his lead significantly with 54% and Fiorina, though still coming in second, dropped to 10%, Carson was 3rd with 8%, and Rudio forth, also with 8%. But when the question was posed as who do you think WILL win the GOP Nomination, Trump’s lead jumped up to 59%, with Jeb Bush jumping up to 15%, with Fiorina dropping to 3rd at 7%. So, no matter how you slice the early results, Donald Trump despite his lack of details on issues, is completely crushing the rest of the field. The reason? I firmly believe that the American people has figured out that Congressional votes are being bought and sold to the highest bidder and they are tired of it. Trump’s greatest asset is not his comprehensive knowledge on issues, but the fact that he is not taking any the big money and so therefore the vast majority trusts him figures he’ll bring in the top experts to provide the details. I’m still reporting from Washington. Good day.

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