Sunday, September 20, 2015

Anonymous - A Reminder To Everyone

Greetings Citizens of the World.
Citizens of the Internet.
And all Participating Members.
We are Anonymous.

The Mainstream Corporate Media, working with its own corporate agendas, censoring and creating media black outs concerning serious world issues that impact the lives of the majority of humanity, the 99%!

Genocide of all indigenous cultures around the globe, whose sacred land we walk on. We stand against the continual white-washing of such history, and the continual injustices indigenous people face today, as voiced by the current movement 'IDLE NO MORE'!

WAR in all forms from all sanctions! The military industrial complex and its subversive actions, that have no transparency; whose lies and false intelligence serve to protect corrupt corporate government tactics, orchestrated military invasions and sanctions that are killing innocent civilians globally for the purpose of profit, and stealing resources.

The illegal detention and mistreatment of WHISTLE-BLOWERS, such as Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, and many others who have sought to expose illegal operations.

Banking Cartels and Austerity measures that turn us into debt slaves, while being protected by government bail-outs when they fail.

Inflicted Homelessness, as a direct result of Austerity measures, and crippling debt structures, designed to fail.

Monsanto patenting of nature's seed banks, attacks on farmers, stealing their lands, manipulation of our foods via G.M.O., chemical technologies and pesticides that are a health hazard and threaten extinction of nature's plants, foods, and bees.

The N.S.A. and PRISM government programs that spy on citizens globally, taking away all privacy rights via warrant-less searches, and infiltration of the people's use of the Internet and social media.

Police corruption and brutality! Police now operate in 'Asymmetrical Policing', no longer protecting the rights of the people but of corporate interests. They support schemes designed to raise revenue and profits. They engage in the racial profiling of minorities and activists in general, and interfere with the political rights of protestors and movements, by following a corrupt chain of command!

The T.P.P.A, or Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement, that takes away people's rights and powers, by supporting a large variety of controversial topics, related to the aforementioned points, but also, the patenting of medicine and censorship of Internet. It is nothing more than a corporate bill of rights that allows international signatories to hold power over any country, and dictate industry markets according to the 1%

The Coalition's 'War on Terror', and the extended use of the word "Terrorism', in order to portray and discredit any individual or entity that dissents against government and corporate criminal actions, which are nothing short of terrorist actions themselves! The people have long demanded a real investigation and inquiry into the actions that have been used to justify invasions, wars, and the cultural profiling of dissenters as terrorists.

These are issues that one citizen cannot fight alone. These are issues that citizens of every country must battle together, as one unified voice. Anonymous, to save our eco system, Anonymous, to protect Human Rights, Anonymous, for the rule of law, Anonymous, for Unity, Equality, and Peace on Earth.

We are Anonymous,
We are Legion,
We do not Forgive,
We do not Forget,
Expect Us!

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

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