Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Virginia Shooting: The Information changes but the facts remain absolute Hoax

It's funny because people are saying that it's very possible that she could run away like that because they have went hunting and shoot deer and the deer are able to run after being shot so she could have run too!! Lol! Yes, that's what people are claiming! What else I don't understand is on the news they are showing the still image from the camera man's camera that shows the supposed killer and first of all it says 6:00am in that shot but then when it shows the anchor back at the studio reacting to what happened it shows the time of 6:45-6:46!!! They are also claiming the shooting occurred at that time. So if that's the case then how does the camera man's camera show 6:00?? Impossible!!! Second, why are they showing an image of a picture off a TV and saying it came from the camera man's camera?? You can even see the reflection of a window and a lamp in the background. Why wouldn't they just take a screen shot of the image and not a picture of the image on a TV screen??? I'm not buying it at all! It looks like they shot it in a couple different takes. This is a complete hoax!!!

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