Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Illuminati know what is coming September 22-28, 2015

In this 8-part series, I take a look at some of the movies, TV shows, advertisements and other signs that are all pointing us to the time period between September 22-28, 2015, and especially September 23, 2015, the Day of Atonement. I’m quite confident that after watching this you will be convinced that the elite, the illuminati, the world leaders, the Luciferian governments, whatever name you want to give them, are fully aware of what is coming this September and they have known about this date for a very long time. You may be wondering how they could possibly know about this date when Jesus said He didn’t even know about the day or the hour. I would really like to encourage you to read my book for a clear understanding of what I believe Jesus meant by that. I also want you to know that God has a 7000-year plan for mankind, and that after 6000 years, He is planning to set up His New Millennial Kingdom on the earth. Satan knows exactly when this 6000 years will end because he was there when God created the world. Satan has also had thousands of years to study the prophecies and is very likely a highly intelligent creature. He knows when his time is up and his goal is to deceive as many people as he possibly can. So, why, you might ask, are they hiding this date in so many movies, TV shows, songs and commercials? Well, remember after 911 happened, how so much information came out about the 911 date being hidden in movies and ads, even decades before it ever happened. I believe that Satan has plan B as an alternative deception for those who do not believe the whole alien lie and that is to make them think it was all a “false flag” event for the New World Order to start on the earth. Satan has all his bases covered and both are partly true. Satan is good at twisting the truth to deceive people. There will be a false rapture event, which is a false flag. But you must understand that all of this is meant to be a cover-up for the real rapture event so that the masses left behind do not turn to Christ when they see the prophecies being fulfilled. So if you are one of the people out there saying that all of the events coming in September are just a false flag and false rapture, you are partly correct. But again, it is only a cover up for the real rapture event that is coming in September 2015. I again want to encourage you to read my book to understand how the Scriptures point to September 2015 as the time of the first rapture and start of the days of darkness on the earth.

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