Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The End of Times (DVD) - Augusto Perez at The Prophecy Club Radio

 Audio from the DVD "The End of Times".
In 1981, Augusto was called to salvation by a series of dreams, visions and personal experiences. He was taken to heaven by an angel prior to his conversion.
He pastored a church for seven years. Then he was called to prepare His Bride for His return. He has had 44 dreams and visions dealing with end time events; including several angel visits and “The Day of the LORD” in a powerful vision that shook him so much he was not able to talk about it for over three years. He has written four books - his last one being, “Smile, Jesus Loves You,” which is his own biography containing all of his dreams and visions.
We are in a time where God’s children need to turn to the Lord with all of their hearts, mind and soul by taking this time, we now have, to prepare spiritually and get our house in order and intercede to God that He may grant us more time to do His work on this earth.
• The Great Shaking
• The Vision of the Three Stars
• The Coming Famine
• The Glory Cloud
• The Double Portion Outpouring
• The Coming Attack on the U.S.
• The Great Coming Darkness
• The Super Devaluation of the Dollar
• The Appearance of a Celestial Body
• God Will Protect His Own
• And Many others...
Air date: 2014-08-07

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