Friday, August 7, 2015

The Banking System Is Coming Down - July 28, 2015 -- Bill Holter

 Show Highlights:

-The banking system is coming down; how can it come down when they can just keep printing money?

-The Achilles Heel is the amount of debt in the system; Bill explains and talks about the problem in Greece

-What are derivatives and why are they an issue?

-The Classic Bond Bubble: Rising interest rates indicate the foundation of the system is cracking

-Mining stocks: If they’re not going to go out of business, they’ll be a home run

-Bail ins and bank holidays; are they eminent? How can we protect our money?

-Bill gives his opinion of numismatic coins vs. bullion

-We asked Bill about his opinion of tariffs; he takes a very different stance than Andrew Gause

-Does Bill Holter see Bitcoin (or any crypto-currency) as another way Greece could escape the Euro currency instead of other bank notes?

-Becoming self sufficient and eliminating your need for a bank will be useful going forward

–Truth, Justice And (No Longer) The American Way!

and so much more!

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

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