Wednesday, August 19, 2015


An infinite growth paradigm on a finite planet will necessarily hit the wall. What will the earth's 7 billion population do for productive work when in a few years 3-d machines operated by robots will be producing even the cheeseburgers at that golden arch place?

The sad fact is that millions of people are already dying from starvation. But I'm not sure it is because we have depleted our resources but rather because of the inequitable distribution of food. Surely there are ways to increase the production of food for human consumption (e.g., grow corn, oats and other grains for human consumption rather than for feeding fact, there's some new technology in the works which may enable us to produce meat, not by raising animals for slaughter but by extracting cells from the animals which can then be "brewed" into tissue and processed into edible meat. Not only would this be a more humane way to eat meat but it would lessen the consumption of grains by non-humans. The real problem is how to convince people to make these culinary changes. And, I'm not so sure that those in power care one iota if billions of people were to perish from starvation. In their eyes, the more people who die, the more resources there would be for those who remain. Changing our monetary system won't change people's hearts. That's where the real problem and solution lies.

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