Wednesday, August 12, 2015

OATH KEEPERS PATROL FERGUSON - Heavily Armed Men Patrol Ferguson Ready to Defend U.S Constitution

Armed to teeth with semi-automatic assault rifles and handguns, members of the Oath Keepers militia, formed of former and current law enforcement and military officers, have blended into the crowd of Ferguson protesters, saying “We’re on your side.” The Oath Keepers are wearing military harness, bullet-proof vests and are armed with AR-15 assault rifles. Videos and pictures posted online show that the Oath Keepers spotted at the rally are all white. Allegedly, they have an agreement with police not to walk through the ranks of law enforcement, according to a Guardian reporter. They are also cited to "be on the protesters' side."

Pop singer Beyoncé is taking some flak for a Facebook entry she made in remembrance of the shooting of Michael Brown.

State of emergency declared in Ferguson after shooting near peaceful protest To add to the tension on West Florissant, five or so men have arrived with assault rifles. They are so-called oath keepers, militia members who assert it is their duty to disobey official orders that they say contravene the US constitution. Tensions are high as night falls in Ferguson, Missouri, where demonstrators gathered yesterday to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown at the hands of a police officer.

As if Barack Obama proved to be any different from George W. Bush (he has not). As if Hillary Clinton’s values are any different from Donald Trump’s (with both of them, money talks). As if when we elect a president, we’re getting someone who truly represents “we the people” rather than the corporate state (in fact, in the oligarchy that is the American police state, an elite group of wealthy donors is calling the shots).
The FBI’s concern with Pinkney parallels with the agency’s treatment of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, whom one internal FBI memo referred to as “the most dangerous and effective Negro leader in the country.” We are likely just 24 hours away from a Grand Jury decision in the officer involved shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO.

Scores of Department of Homeland Security vehicles have been spotted 25 minutes outside of town and the Governor of Missouri has already declared a state of emergency in anticipation of the fallout should officer Darren Wilson be exonerated.National Guard units have been called up and one law enforcement official has advised residents to be armed because the police department will not be able to protect the town’s citizens should violence erupt. constitution society social unrest u.s.

And violence is exactly what we should expect - more specifically, violence against Caucasians and their children. engage in civil disobedience and who they will target. Blacks in Ferguson have very real concerns about policing in their community. Finally, Al Sharpton and even the President of the United States The entire world is watching. black man appears to have robbed a store and attempted to grab a policeman’s gun. He’s not an innocent or sympathetic character in the eyes of white America. The police would have been the sole focus of a wholly righteous protest. 13) After the blacks have been egged on by President Obama to burn down their own neighborhood, whites across America will demand greater police protection – and the state will gain more power. As a strategy to gain power, divide and conquer works.

National Guard and Army troops were deployed by Gov. Romney and LBJ to handle race riots in Detroit. 1992 Rodney King riots in L.A., chaos in Detroit disorder, which led to outright martial law, was captured by news cameras and remains available through archive film. Take a look at just some of the disaster that was 1967 Detroit, and what could be played out again in Ferguson 2014 treyvon martin

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