Wednesday, August 5, 2015

More Fake Data from The Federal Reserve By Gregory Mannarino

More Fake Data: Credibility Of The Federal Reserve On The Line. By Gregory Mannarino

Gold, silver, numismatic coins, art, collector cars are all assets of substance. You can touch them. Paper assets are intangibles and usually rely on the performance of someone else. If for some reason that performance is compromised there is a problem. This is counter party risk. Today one should look at the corruption extant in the financial world and determine do you want to trust the bulk of your savings to these individuals. If one lacks trust in the regulation of wall street one should look elsewhere. Gold for one has held its value for millennia so one can be confident of a continuance. I am a believer in dollar cost averaging as promoted by Gregory. Always know why you own something. I own gold because I don't trust the system to protect my interests. Gold serves that purpose.

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