Monday, August 31, 2015

Max Igan & Jim Fetzer speak out about JADE HELM DEEPER and DARKER The World Beyond Belief 140

Max Igan & Jim Fetzer speak out about JADE HELM DEEPER and DARKER The World Beyond Belief 140

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1 comment:

  1. Fetzering

    1. The act of making an unfounded or unsubstantiated claim.

    2. In philosophy, a method of debate or discussion based of the premise of: I think, therefore I am. I think you're wrong. therefore you are.

    3. The act of disagreeing by employing rancor, name calling, ad hominem attacks or straw man argument.

    Etymology: Fetzering began in earnest in the late 1960's, being implemented by a JFK conspiracy theorist and has since expanded it's use in the 9/11 debate arena.

    1. Without evidence your claim is simple fetzering.

    2. He should rely on his data instead of fetzering.
