Friday, August 14, 2015

John Williams of Shadowstats -- Central Bankers are running a pretty dangerous experiment!

GoldSeek Radio's Chris Waltzek talks to John Williams of Shadowstats
SR interviews JOHN WILLIAMS - Aug 13, 2014

    John Williams returns to Radio with dire thoughts on the veracity of the official economic figures.
    The domestic economy has not recovered - virtually every economic indicator remains stagnant since 2009.

    According to the Wall Street Journal, the typical American household spends 62% merely to pay housing / grocery bills, an unsustainable burden
    While corporations have recovered from the recession, the everyday consumer has not.
    Without real income growth the largest component of the domestic economy, consumption (over 70%) could falter.
    The US Dollar will likely reverse course, which will result with runaway inflation and hyperinflation.
    The best defense is a good offense - only gold and silver investments can protect investors from the sea change event.
    His 2015 economic forecast includes a sharp decrease in economic growth / output, causing Fed officials to further delay rate hikes.

    Amid increasing global-currency concerns, stockpiling several months of cash in a well-hidden, fire proof safe is advisable.
    The ruble increased in value from 44,000 per ounce to 90,000 in 2014, currently at over 70,000 due to the crude oil plunge. The ruble fell so abruptly that gold doubled in value virtually overnight - the cost of goods and services blasted higher crushing the purchasing power of those without gold and silver insurance.

    The central fund of Canada, a PMs ETF with equally weighted gold / silver holdings is located outside the US providing additional geographic diversification.

    Caller George asks if the Fed is colluding to make the US dollar more attractive, particularly US Bonds, by forcing competing currencies like the euro into a negative interest rate environment.

    Alpha stocks newsletter subscribers are offered a 10% dividend yielding gold ETF-alternative.

    Caller John notes the Fed's massive mortgage backed security stockpile. The host concurs, citing how MBS rate-risks is an Achilles heal and likely why the Fed is so hesitant to initiate rate hikes.

    Listener Vidya is concerned by the threat of a looming, global economic collapse. The host expects such a scenario to come to pass within 5-10 years, given that the BRICS nations are shunning the US dollar

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