Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Is There A Fake Alien Invasion Looming For The World?

 Are the powers that be gearing up for a fake alien invasion to start the NWO?

The author of the - Rise Of The New World Order - The Culling Of Mankind, will be Pete's guest tonight. Mr. Hays makes his appearance to announce the publication of his new book - Rise Of The New World Order II - The Awakening and to share with our listeners where his research has taken him.

About Jeff Hays: Jeff Hays woke up to the New World Order in 2007 and immediately went to work researching it. His book series - Rise Of The New World Order - The Culling Of Man, is the sum total of his research.

Jeff has been on The Pete Santilli Show before and is one of our most requested guest.

Jeff's message is this:

The same occult group of people who have been ruling over humanity for thousands of years continue to do so to this day. The one world government prophesized in the Bible is unfolding behind the scenes right under your nose as you read this, and was given the catchy name of the 'New World Order'. The time is short to learn what is really happening. Some who have graciously read the rough draft have called this book everything from “ground-breaking” and “mind-blowing information” to “this book is going to scare some people” and "ominous".

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