Friday, August 14, 2015

Here's What Happens Sept 2015 That WILL Change Our Lives FOREVER!

 The only way the Bolsheviks were able to do to Russia what they did, and Ukraine, and China, and Cambodia, was through the peoples inability to communicate, and we have this form of communication that has truly changed the game.
I think it's pretty safe to say that the number of people who have awoken to the agenda is already too large for them too manage, but once it's staring people right in their face, and cancelling their frikin' football games, people are going to stand up in a very big way.
From personal experience, I can tell you that I.C.L.E.I. has not done very well in my neck of the woods, and I can also attest to the fact that the only way their gonna get the guns is if they magically kill every American that has 'em.
Obamacare is doomed, as is the Federal Reserve Note, and once that goes, how are they going to continue bribing people with money that doesn't spend?
I don't know brother. I'm beginning to think that it's already over, and we've already won. These people just don't know when to say when. I mean look at Cali! Mandatory vaccinations? The magnitude of the lies are indicative of one thing: Desperation. Are there going to be some rough times ahead? No doubt, but they're not gonna be able to kick off the Terminator/Hunger Games because they've already been exposed to a place.
Their greatest weapon is fear, perpetrated though the TV, and more and more people aren't even watching them anymore.
If we ignore them, quit giving them our energy, they'll suffocate and die. And that'll be fine by me...

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