Saturday, August 22, 2015

Gerald Celente -- Markets Melting Down

Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "Markets Melting Down" - (8/20/15)
"The equity markets decline drastically as the meltdown becomes a reality, “conditions for rate rise approaching says FED” & US home ownership is at a 48 year low."

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more


  1. 182, is just a number: a $-£ global reserve currency collapse, leaves those billions into a nonsense. A new global reserve currency resets the machine and global just distribution becomes possible and the birth of democracy starts once again. In Greece. As it is good for everyone to much money in the wrong hands, too little on the wise man. A limit can, be verbalized by the new global reserve currency CAN. Moving Wall Street to Beaumont Texas is a way.

  2. god looks is not blessing america and between god and AIPAC there is very little chance AIPAC can win, therefore same fate as the devil awaits the AIPAC nation usa of america.

  3. Gerald you are witnessing the collapse of the dollar as reserve currency, soon the system will totally collapse as well this is a blessing because america shall be at last a free nation, so be optimistic and help the dollar collapse as soon as possible. longer that it takes stronger than the pain will be. the collapse of china is the synchronized collapse of wall street , sorol buffet and all those warmongers. end of the NATO-AIPAC alliance as well the fools warmongers of the pentagon. reason why moving wall street to beaumont texas makes sense.
