Thursday, August 13, 2015

Donald Trump - Anti-Establishment or Illuminati Puppet?

 Today is Thursday 13th August 2015 and we are asking the question, is Donald Trump truly anti-establishment or is he an Illuminati puppet with a more sinister agenda?

Donald Trump standing for the GOP nomination as the Republican candidate for President in 2016 was a shock to the establishment. Although The Donald had flirted with the idea on previous occasions, those on the inside knew that he would not stand. He was mainly gaining publicity for himself and the Trump Brand.
This year was different. 2015 has seen Donald Trump not only put himself forward, file his accounts and sign all of the necessary papers, but within a few weeks he is leading the Polls – virtually all of them by a considerable margin.

Now many have speculated, what was different this time round. Trump says, that he could not stand by any longer and let the Country go to ruin. Others have said it was a publicity stunt, but when he saw he had traction, it became real. Some claim he wanted to stand before, but it made more sense to do so when there is a 2nd term outgoing President and an unpopular choice to succeed him. A more sinister explanation has been put forward that Trump is part of the Illuminati, which has decided that it wants Hillary Clinton in the White-house, and the most effective way of achieving this is either for Trump to win the Republican nomination, or alternatively to stand as an Independent and split the Republican Vote.

So as we mentioned in our previous videos, Trump, by insulting other Candidates, Criticizing Mexican Immigrants, Condemning China over Trade and claiming that he can “make the USA Great again” is controlling the agenda and he is the only one really being discussed in the media. His alleged faux pas with regards to his comments about Megyn Kelly’s bleeding has again dominated all of the headlines, and the only person the US media is talking about is Donald Trump.
An interesting and different take on events has been put forward by Henry Makow PHD who claims on his blog on 15th July 2015 that Donald Trump is an Illuminati agent tasked with getting Hillary Clinton elected.

So do you believe that Donald Trump is an anti-establishment candidate wanting to save the Middle Class and the USA or is he a Jewish Illuminati puppet placed to ensure that Hillary Clinton is the next president of The United States of America? We would like to hear your opinion.

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