Monday, August 17, 2015

Civil War II

 Although June was undoubtedly not a good month for Americans proud of the heritage, culture and traditions ensconced in this country, founded and made successful by white northern Europeans over four centuries ago, the assault on the Confederate battle flag and the activist Supreme Court decisions sanctioning Obamacare and gay marriage are only encouraging many patriots across the country to take a stand. When the self-proclaimed expert on “hate,” manifested through their “hate ratings,” the Montgomery, Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), reared its ugly head to attack a 19-year member of law enforcement and married father of three young children, simply for his membership in a Southern heritage organization, the organization struck back. The police officer’s involvement with the League of the South (LS) was old news, but the opportunistic, hateful SPLC grabbed a chance to hurt a patriotic American by riding the wave of political correctness set off by the alleged South Carolina church shooting of June 17, 2015, albeit their assault was launched hours prior to the alleged massacre, perhaps paving the way for what has unfolded since then. On Friday, 19 June, Lt. Josh Doggrell was fired from the Anniston, Alabama police department where he had served honorably for nine years. Prior to that, he served on the Calhoun County Sheriff’s Department from 1997 to 2006. To get a better understanding of this matter, AMERICAN FREE PRESS reached out to Dr. Michael Hill, the founder and president of LS and a retired university professor of history and the author of two books on Celtic warfare. In 1994, Dr. Hill met with 42 people from various walks of life, spending three days in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, to form what is now the League. Dave Gahary sat down with Dr. Hill to discuss the League and Josh in this informative interview (23:42).

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