Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Brother Nathanael : When Trump Makes A Deal

Trump's whole campaign is orchestrated, it's a dog & pony show. He is just another pawn of the Elite. It's 2015 and most people still don't wake up to the whole political scam, aren't you tired of opposames? Trump is a corrupt mobster and anyone with half a brain knows he's just playing a role. Under the impetus of interested individuals (the banksters that keep this rotten system alive), the political committees are opening the awaited era of electoral quarrels. As usual, they will insult each other, slander each other, fight each other. Blows will be exchanged for the benefit of third thieves (banksters), always ready to profit from the stupidity of the crowd. You live with your kids in unhealthy environments, you're taxed to death in "your" country. You eat (when you can) food adulterated by the greed of traffickers, genetically modified garbage. You wear yourself out from morning to night at a job that is always imbecilic and useless and that you don’t even really profit from. The next day you start over again, and so it goes till you die. Is it then a question of changing all this? Are they going to give you the means of realizing a flourishing existence? Are you going to be able to come and go, eat, drink, breathe without constraint, love with joy, rest, enjoy scientific discoveries and their application, decreasing your efforts, increasing your well-being. Are you finally going to live without disgust and live life the way you're supposed to live it, without having these parasites living off of you? No, say the banksters and their puppet politicians proposed for your suffrage. This is only a distant ideal...You must be patient...You are many, but you should also become conscious of your might so as to abandon it into the hands of your ‘saviors’ once every four years. But what will they do in their turn? Make and change laws at will! In this day and age, what is the law? The oppression of the greater number by a coterie claiming to represent the majority. It's been proven that the big banks and the mega-corporations don't give a shit about any of us. In any event, error proclaimed by the majority doesn’t become true, and only the unthinking bow before a legal lie. The truth cannot be determined by vote. He who votes accepts to be beaten. Who makes laws? The banksters. On closer analysis, it is thus not a handful of rulers who crush us, but the thoughtlessness, the stupidity of the herd of those sheep who constitute the electoral cattle. And now, to the voting urns, cattle.

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