Friday, August 14, 2015

Big Pharma Whistleblower Brandy Vaughn Exposes Forced-Vaccinations Despite Intimidation

June 26, 2015 Jim Obergefell was standing on the steps of the Supreme Court when he got a call from the president of the United States.

Friday has been possibly the most momentous day of Obergefell's life: The Supreme Court ruled in favor of his case—Obergefell v. Hodges—and in doing so legalized same-sex marriage for gay couples nationwide.

As Obergefell stood on the steps of the Court, he received a call from the White House. CNN quickly dispatched a camera to get footage of the call.

Tonight On The Pete Santilli Show

Brandy Vaughn worked for MERCK Pharmaceuticals until she realized the drugs she was helping push for the company were actually killing the very people they were supposed to be helping. Brandy Vaughn became a target the day she blew the whistle on MERCK and she will be having an open honest conversation with Pete Santilli about what her life has been like before and after she dared expose Big Pharma.

About Brandy Vaughn - Brandy is a former rep for the pharmaceutical company known as MERCK and the founder of The Council For Vaccine Safety at The Council aims to increase public awareness and education on the risk of vaccines while advocating for safer vaccines.

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