Sunday, August 2, 2015

Anonymous - The Time To Wake Up Is Now

 Greetings Humanity of the World.

We are Anonymous.

My dearest family. It saddens Us to see so much in-justice that is in Our society, & in Our World. There is so much corruption, that when We see it, We are All not surprised, that We, are not even shocked by it, because it has become a routine. The future of Our World, depends on All of Us! Let Us explain what We mean by that!

All of Humanity, must realize, that All of Our children, are learning everything they see in the World. Like little computers, they absorb everything. By the time All of Our children reach their early teens, & You have not told or taught them what is right & what is wrong, & what they should really make a stand for, then the corporate paid system, will be happy to do that for You, But If You decide to keep your children in the corporate paid school system, then You must be extremely vigilant! Teaching truth to Our children is Our job! We have always stated that, the best way to educate your child, is through truth, believe Us, You are more than qualified to tell All of Our children the truth!

But what about the United States adults? All of Humanity must realize, that the majority of Our World leaders, which appear on the corporate paid & controlled main stream media television, are actors & actresses, the politicians, & the religious institutions, are the true problem to Our World. You know, the ones who are always on television acting like there is nothing wrong with Our World, but there is something definitely wrong with Our World, & the majority of Humanity knows this. These so called leaders, are more corrupt & deviant than anyone of Us! That is who All Our children will learn from, that is who they will imitate & listen too.

Let Us All not be like the saying. "Monkey see, monkey do" The majority of Humanity is guilty of that behavior. Humanity had moral principles that they have forgotten. Yes! The corrupt rich elites found a way to make You forget them! The television, is their best & most ultimate weapon! But it is Our responsibility, as an awaken human, to understand this, & shut the television off.

All of Humanity must start thinking for themselves. "My Family, when will You wake up?" If All of Humanity do not stand for what is right, & what Our moral principles are, then We will say to You, that You, have become corrupt & deviant yourselves. If Humanity does not stand up for righteousness, for justice, for equality, then what is the difference between the corrupt rich elites & You? If justice & equality does not matter to You, then Humanity are doomed as a species.

Remember brothers & sisters, the fate of Humanity, Is & will always be, in your hands. That responsibility is yours, & of the populous of the World. But We must clean up Our mess first that the corrupt elitists left for Us in Our mind, before We can say or complain to anyone else. Let Us All Unite, & Let Us All change the perception of Mankind!

We. Are. Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not Forgive.
We do not Forget.
Expect Us.

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