Wednesday, July 22, 2015

What Happened to Middle Class America?

 As we inch closer to the 2016 election, presidential candidates and politicians have begun to phase out the term “middle class” from their vocabulary. Terms like “everyday Americans” and “hard-working taxpayers” are replacing the once-common term. “Middle Class,” a phrase that once evoked a sense of optimism, shared wealth, and the American Dream, now invokes a sense of anxiety, and an uncertain future. Why? Because, as automation replaces jobs and the income gap widens, the middle class is in a catastrophic state of decline.

On this episode of the Business of Life, we'll get to the bottom of just what the "middle class” is: how to get in, how to stay in, and why so many Americans are falling out. Joined by David Madland of the Center for American Progress, Reporter Charlie LeDuff, and Shikha Dalmia of the Reason Foundation.

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more


  1. america is the middle class of the globalised world, something similar to the 1900 british empire. the new technological - industrial revolution similar somehow to the industrial revolution, however mentally, intellectually, psychologically. the current financial system does not function on the current psychological realm. the current system is based on production as form, while what is needed is a psychological evolution not mechanical, understanding rather than weapons if you like.

  2. america is AIPAC: AIPAC civilization for you explained: what the 2.11% of jews in america which is 10 millions is: they control congress the white house, the senate wall street, main media FED and even the IRS: so what the remaining 340 millions americans have to say about it or can they?: since they are the ones controlled by congress the white house and the senate hollywood propaganda main media jay helm etc. AIPAC civilization hope is understood by now.
