Thursday, July 23, 2015

Wesley Clark reveals on MSNBC : TPTB want to put you in a KZ Internment Camp

We should not be surprised in the least. When you consider all that the government has done - both past and present - to make this an eventual reality, no one anywhere should be surprised. Our government is busy collecting data from every piece of tech that we use, from our phone to our PC/Mac. They collect our email and phone meta data, browsing meta data, FB posts (which FB admits) internet search queries, and so on. Why would the government collect that meta data? It is because the meta data is ultimately linked to primary data, the "meat and potatoes" of your personality. It creates a psychological profile which can then be used against you as the government sees fit. You and I don't actually know if any of these shooters legitimately did anything. You or I must decide only if we will choose to believe what our television or computer screen tells us is true or untrue. If we believe that no one can control information, we are very shallow thinkers. A society can be changed over time through incrementalism and propaganda. For example, a war on terrorism is a never-ending war which cannot and will not ever be won. In order for a war on terrorism to end, all terrorists must be eliminated and all of the tendencies towards violent coercion in the human mind must be eliminated in every person on the planet simultaneously. In order for that to happen, no one can ever be offended, hold deep convictions about anything, or be moved to violence. Terrorism is a tactic of guerrilla warfare and intimidation. It is a method. You cannot defeat a method or a tactic. A fighting force can only defeat a tangible enemy, not an idea or a belief about something. If Barack Obama announced tomorrow that the war on terrorism was finally over, we would all laugh him to scorn, because we all know that terrorism exists in the minds of men, not in a particular nation or a particular battlefield. Terrorism is a means to an end, not a specific enemy which can be grabbed by the collar and choked to death and stabbed. A war on terrorism is merely a doorway to incrementally declaring your political opponents to be dangerous enemies of the State. A war on terrorism is an excuse to round up people who do not agree with your politics. A war on terrorism is a facade, a ruse meant to get you to support the round up of certain people from society which pose a political threat to the existing political and social order. In other words, if you are a politician who is slowly transforming a nation politically, economically, and socially, the best way to combat your political enemies who are pointing this out to everyone is to call them by a name which will get you public support for detaining these people. If the public believes that a certain individual is a dangerous person because you applied some label to them to indicate that they are dangerous, they will gladly allow you to collect such persons from their homes in full view of God and everyone. That is what a war on terrorism does, is allow you to silence your opposition.

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