Thursday, July 30, 2015

Truth : This is Why Iran hates America

Did you ever wonder WHY Iran Hates Us?

Founder of Pahlavi dynasty Reza Shah who practically saved Iran from total annihilation was sent to exile by the Anglo-Soviets in 1941. The new Shah was installed at the age of 21 with absolutely no infrastructure of any sort of his own. He had to 'obey'.

SAVAK was created in 1953 by the CIA & Mossad. 'Intelligence' agencies of almost all nations, including CIA are actually owned by the power that be. That's how they pull the strings without any sort of public or governmental supervision. Do you think that the Shah could micromanage SAVAK? It was operated by traitors who did what they were told to do from their true masters. Check out this article: The Shah was truly loved by Iranians, until the smear campaign started.

Shah announced that the oil contract with the consortium won't be renewed in 1979. Bernard Lewis (Zio-Jew) unveiled a plan at Bilderberg meeting, endorsed Khomeini in order to promote balkanization of ME (Arc of crisis which started with Afghanistan in '73, then in Pakistan in '77 & continues to this day in Syria).

Iranian 1979 'revolution' was run by the same elites that removed Mossadegh in 1953. Though they were wrong about one thing: that Khomeini is an idiot that can easily be managed. He was a ruthless religious leader that ordered the execution of all the agents of the 'intelligence' network in Iran & the takeover of the American embassy nipping the network at the bud. So Saddam was tricked into a war with Iran, and we know what happened to him.

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  1. is not hate is just exasperation america the AIPAC civilisation is what the world hates not just iranians 8 billions folks hope to have that corny sounding poor english fellows from the americas evolve into decent civilize folks, unfortunately since AIPAC brainwash them in 1776 and made them believe on a dream called the american dream they have found out today is just a nightmare the american AIPAC nightmare. so the rules are you are born you are brainwashed and you are send to fight & die for AIPAC your owner ruler and ..master.

  2. The last Shah of Iran was merely a creature of horrible arrogant and vile USA. Savak was founded by Zionist Israel and was used to torture and murder thousands of Iranians. America and UK plotted to steal Iranian oil for themselves in 1953. They founded Exxon Mobile and BP at the time to carry out 25 years of theft from Iran. The Shah was merely a vile Quisling and traitor to the Iranian people.
    It was a great day when the Iranian revolution removed the Shah and the real ruler of Iran who was the US Ambassador who had boasted that he ruled Iran.
