Friday, July 17, 2015

The Truth About Obama -- The Alex Jones Show July 17 2015

The Alex Jones Show (VIDEO Commercial Free) Friday July 17 2015: Peter Schiff & Chuck Baldwin

 Date: 07/17/2015 --
-Today -
On this Friday, July 17 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we cover how President Obama lectured Americans on respecting Islam before he paid tribute to the four Marines killed by an Islamic terrorist in Chattanooga, Tenn., on Thursday. Obama is really showing off who he really is as his presidency draws to a close. Also, we report on how the Chattanooga shooter's family was known to the FBI for years and how a House Committee passed legislation to create a special domestic terror unit the day before the shooting. In economic news, financial expert Peter Schiff reveals the latest on our declining economy and pastor Chuck Baldwin discusses the Confederate flag controversy. Tune in!

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1 comment:

  1. the koran is a book of FILTH it condones paedephilia and sexual asault of young boys, the rape of women in war, killing anyone that is not muslim, and it goes on and on with filth and depravity. all the rampaging muslims and militant muslims are descendants of ISCHMAEL WHO ARE THE ILLEGITIMATE DESCENDENTS OF ABRAHAM - and are not the promised people.
