Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Predictive Programming Reveals The Biggest False Flag In Human History (2015)

Knowledge is power and the information is out there for those who dare to seek it out. If you want to defeat your enemy you must first understand how they operate.

think about what was said by Ted Turner. He said that the United Nations needs to be the worlds police force. He also said that we needed to drop the human population by 95%. Just who is he speaking for and why is it up to a handful of people to decide when, where and how this genocide is going to take place. The Georgia Guidestones say the same thing. Are we, as the human race going to allow a cabal of very rich people to decide who lives and who dies? Is the works going to turn the clock back and make this time a NAZI state with death camps on a gargantuan scale? How can a man like that make such a statement? I know about free speech but this is open planning of world conquest and only a handful of Elitists have their golden ticket to live? If the sheeple don't wake up, there will be no United States. It will be gone. I'm sure there has been plans in the works for a long time. Obama didn't get his gun grab. He was one pissed off puppy. You know why? A disarmed populous is an easy one to conquer. We have to keep fighting for our rights. This includes our right to privacy as well as our right to self dependence and pursuit of happiness. We don't need a small group of highly rich men deciding what we want and who will die.

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