Saturday, July 25, 2015

OBAMA RETURNS TO KENYA - Reunites With Father's Family in Kenya

President Barack Obama struck a personal note as he returned to his father's homeland Kenya this weekend, openly embracing his extended family during his first visit as commander and chief.

"There's a reason why my name is Barack Hussein Obama," he said on Saturday at the Global Entrepreneurship Summit in Nairobi on Saturday. "My father came from these parts and I have family and relatives here, and in my visits over the years walking the streets of Nairobi I've come to know the warmth and spirit of the Kenyan people."

Obama fulfilled the hopes of millions of Kenyans when he visited Kenya Friday. It is the first such visit by a sitting president, and a long sought visit by a country that considers him a local son. "I don't think that Kenyans think of Obama as African-American. They think of him as Kenyan-American," said EJ Hogendoorn, deputy program director for Africa at the International Crisis Group. President Obama late Saturday joked about the controversy surrounding former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton’s use of a private email account during a white-tie dinner in Washington, D.C.

According to a White House pool report, Obama told guests at the Gridiron Club dinner that he was once known as the young, tech-savvy candidate.

But now, “Hillary has a server in her house! I didn’t even know you could have one of those. I am so far behind.” Nairobi went into security lockdown on Friday as Barack Obama returned to his ancestral home of Kenya for his first visit since becoming president of the United States of America.

Air Force One touched down in the Kenyan capital just after 8pm, and Mr Obama was met on the tarmac by the country’s president Uhuru Kenyatta and a local drumming band complete with grass skirts. Hollywood icon Charlie Sheen is being accused of racism for making a joke about President Obama and Kenya despite the president making a nearly identical joke during Saturday’s Gridiron Club dinner.

The establishment media hastily seized on yesterday’s explosive story about a literary publication listing Barack Obama’s birthplace as Kenya in an effort to claim that the 1991 brochure was the “origin” of the entire ‘birther’ issue. In reality, evidence that Obama was born in the African country is abundant. Last month, so-called “birthers” got very excited over a clip in which Michelle Obama called Kenya President Obama’s “home country,” but a newly uncovered video is likely to stoke even more controversy, because in it the First Lady clearly states that Obama is “Kenyan”. Some media pundits expressed doubt that the First Lady was explicitly saying that Obama had been born in Kenya, and Glenn Beck even implied that the release of the tape was a trick designed to push Tea Party members over the edge and incite violence, allowing Democrats to demonize their political opposition as extremists.

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  1. That guy from Kenya isn t his father. His real father was Frank Marshall Davis.

  2. THAT;S NICE - Obama osama return to KENYA - the town where he was BORN

    THE TORAH CODES do not lie they say specifially of obama - ONE BORN IN KENYA
    also that he would be the cause of great CHAOS in America in 2015 - he speaks with a forked tongue and is SATAN'S HELPER.
