Monday, July 27, 2015

Obama Jokes About Birth Certificate During Kenya Trip

Obama Jokes About Birth Certificate During Kenya Trip

If you can't beat members of the "birther" movement, join 'em.

That's the approach President Barack Obama took on Saturday night in Kenya, his father's homeland, when he made a wisecrack about his birthplace — which suspicious critics have harped on for years. "Some of my critics back home might be suggesting I'm here to look for my birth certificate," Obama said while making a toast at a state dinner hosted by President Uhuru Kenyatta. "That's not the case."

In 2011, Obama made his birth certificate public after so-called birthers questioned his eligibility to be president, claiming he was not a U.S. citizen. The certificate lists Honolulu, Hawaii, as his place of birth.

But the controversy persisted, with birthers insisting the detailed birth certificate was a fake, and that the president was in fact born in Kenya. The issue resurfaced earlier this week when outspoken Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio told he still believes the birth certificate was forged.

Obama's quip during the Kenyan state dinner was met with laughs. His visit to Kenya marks the first time a sitting U.S. president has traveled to the East African nation, and fulfilled a wish of many Kenyans, who see him as one of their own. On Friday evening, Obama reconnected with Kenyan family, some of whom were present at Saturday night's dinner. The charm offensive is over! Obama gambles his rock star status in Kenya by blasting its barbaric treatment of homosexuals and women and calling out the country's 'cancer of corruption' resident Barack Obama spoke at press conference outside the State House in Nairobi, Kenya, on Saturday night He charmed the nation's leaders by fondly reflecting on his family's ties to Kenya and even cracking 'birther' joke But he also struck a nerve - by comparing Kenya's discrimination of gays to treating people differently due to race Said: 'As an African-American in the US I am painfully aware of what happens when people are treated differently' In response, Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta, standing beside Obama, said gay rights are 'non-issue' in Kenya Kenyatta said that while the U.S. and Kenya agree on a lot, there are some things cultures/societies don't accept Later on, Obama made wisecrack about his birthplace of Hawaii - which American critics have long questioned 'Some of my critics back home might be suggesting I'm back here to look for my birth certificate,' Obama joked Obama's visit to Kenya - his late father's homeland and home to some relatives - is his first one as US president

Relative: Obama's half-sister, Auma Obama (center), watches as her half-sibling toasts Kenyatta during a state dinner later on Saturday In a radio interview broadcast Sunday, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio affirmed he is “pretty well convinced” President Obama’s birth certificate, as released by the White House in 2011, is a “fraudulent, fake document.”

“I’ve been in law enforcement 55 years,” stated Arpaio. “I think I know a fraudulent, fake document. I’m not a computer expert. I rely on my people. But I’m pretty well convinced it’s a fake document.” The famous sheriff was being interviewed for “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,” broadcast on New York’s AM 970 The Answer and Philadelphia’s NewsTalk 990 AM. The subject of the interview was Arpaio’s reaction to the controversy surrounding statements about Mexican immigrants made by presidential candidate Donald Trump. The certificate lists Honolulu, Hawaii, as his place of birth. The health director who approved the release of President Obama’s long form birth certificate, which some claim was a fraudulent document, has died in an unexplained plane crash in Hawaii, it was announced today.

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