Wednesday, July 22, 2015


The total money scam. The government can only tax it's people so much. So whatever extra money they want, they get the FED to print or create out of thin air. This devalues the dollars you hold in your hand, thus is the inflation tax. RON PAUL IS THE ONLY person in Washington that would guarantee an end to this. This is THE ISSUE OF OUR DAY and our nation hangs in the balance of a MAJOR financial meltdown. The money changers of our day are running short on tricks and we need a return to sound money. Ron Paul. Murray Rothbard - What Has Government Done to Our Money

G. Edward Griffin, widely recognized expert on the Federal Reserve, scans American people's astonishing journey as greatest nation the world has ever seen, and our trajectory that is hurtling us from independence and self-reliance into dependency under the heel of a police state, until we reach the awakening that to be free we must be prepared and self-reliant.

Griffin claims that we, like mice entering a trap, have been tricked by predators in government to go after the bait of government giveaways, and are falling under tyranny, unless we take action while we still have a chance to reclaim our liberty.

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

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