Saturday, July 11, 2015

How The IMF Really Works -- Brother Nathanael

It never ceases to amaze how dumb the people running things really are. Why in God's name don't these countries create and print their own money!?! Kick the IMF and everyone else who's entrapped you directly out of your countries! They've earned NOTHING you owe them... They didn't work for it. What is owed has no real value. It's not as if they delivered goods and services or silver and gold. They lent you blood money they created out of thin air. Money they "earned" by playing fools just like you all around the world. TO HELL WITH THEM! Create your own money and back it with your own people's labor and welfare! Accept no debt! Create your own freedom! How can these fools not see the snakes for who they are? How can such agreements be struke after all this time and all these mistakes? It's because our "leaders" are corrupt. Bought and paid for not caring about the consequences placed on their nations so long as they themselves benefit. I've always been a supporter of proper government, but is there really such a thing?

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