Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Greek Coup an immoral Genocide Paul Craig Roberts

 Jason Liosatos talks with Dr Paul Craig Roberts about the financial situation controlling Greece, and the consequences of the Greeks staying in the Euro or leaving it. Paul explains what, who, has, is, and will be, influencing the situation, and what outcomes we might expect, and how Washington will no doubt be doing all they can to manipulate that outcome at any cost.

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1 comment:

  1. Reality is a moving object, therefore there are few options, one reality is what Washington wants, and another is what happens. There is the people on one side the government, the banking financial sphere, the politicians currently in power, the system and the pyramid structure. The people are, held to the financial system. This financial system privileges some while undermines others. American middle class the American dream existed for a while under the exploitation of others; this was due to quantity & quality facts. The world’s middle class was America until 1989; which is what they are complaining about now. The middle class is disappearing, and the upper middle class is fighting for his chair. The lower class becomes the enemy “divide to conquer is the division between the middle class and the poor; the very poor are the gladiators. The problem today is to distribute the quality, and understand the quantity. Industry and finances created a loophole were by quantity they renamed themselves. This created industrial barons such Henry ford and others, however industry during the ford era was quite different from today; and here is where the difference exist on what reality is concern for Washington. Aldous Huxley mentioned quite well the FORD square the symbolic end of the old industrial revolution and the brave new world of technology. As a result, Washington is now transforming itself into an equal partner of the global community.
