Thursday, July 2, 2015

Greece To Exit or To Exist?

 Greece is gearing up for its Sunday referendum to decide whether to accept the terms of its troika of lenders for a debt deal. The Greek government is campaigning for a NO vote, promising a new deal the very next day with its lenders. The European powerhouses like Germany and Eurogroup are warning that this referendum will decide on whether Greece remains within the eurozone. The banks are closed, capital controls have been imposed and the pressure is on. In this edition of The Debate we discuss the run-up to the referendum and what lies in store for Greece beyond July 5th.

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1 comment:

  1. The collapse of the system begun in 1989, who really collapsed was the IMF, FED. wall street system not the soviet union, however it is perceive as the inverse, 2001 WTC: stamp the collapse of the system. In between technology created an illusion and Washington as well financial wizards believed they had it all. what technology is achieving is a new reasoning on financial terms as well a new perception of the current collapsing system giving as a result a new dimension and logic. today politicians as well economist worldwide were and are dead wrong. the system is no longer viable. therefore the current logic of 99% of financiers scholars Nobel prize winers and the lot, persist. the result will not work, and will never work there will never be a recovery under the current logic. the problem is that logic reason is no longer functional under the accustomed habitual reasoning and logic of reason and education, because of these incapacity economies that follow the wall street financial illusion will collapse. democracy religion somehow most of what the $ world knows as reality becomes fiction. as you do experience today from economical chaos to social nightmares'. until you lot understand that is over things will continue their decaying path until a final collapse will be felt. the roman empire took 3 centuries to collapse the current system will take no more than 100 years to disappear, you got no more than a decade until the total collapse and the end of what america is now.
