Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Gerald Celente - Greece Default On Debt Will Send The World Into Chaos and World War Three!

It's NOT JUST GREECE. And now the EU must decide if it must make an example of Greece. The last thing the EU wants is to have Spain, Italy and Portugal DEFAULT WITHOUT CONSEQUENCES. It is also other European Union Members who are facing UNSUSTAINABLE DEBT LOADS. FRANCE, SPAIN, ITALY,SPAIN, IRELAND, and PORTUGAL. - So, Good Luck finding a place to hide as Global Markets Crumble. - GREEK REFERENDUM VOTE signals huge Challenge to Eurozone Leaders. Will the "NO" vote lead Greece to exit the EURO? What is NOT being talked about is that the Greek Debt is ILLIGITIMATE. About 90% of these LOANS issued by the IMF & ECB was USED to BAIL-OUT "PRIVATE GREEK BANKS." The weight of the Debt repayment was shifted to the Public Sector and to the TAXPAYERS. - GREEK DEBT CRISIS, CHINA 30% Market Loss & U.S. CONTAGION, DOMINO EFFECT.

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1 comment:

  1. simple the toilet cleaner is in charge while the one that is cleaning the toilet is the one that should be in charge.
