Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Economist Richard Wolff on Roots of Greek Crisis, Debt Relief & Rise of Anti-Capitalism in Europe

http://democracynow.org - As Greek voters reject further budget cuts and tax hikes in exchange for a rescue package from European creditors, who is to blame for the debt crisis embroiling Greece? Is Germany trying to crush Greece to set an example? Will Greece leave the eurozone? What does this mean for the global economy? We speak to Richard Wolff, emeritus professor of economics at University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and visiting professor at New School University. He’s the author of several books, including, most recently, "Democracy at Work: A Cure for Capitalism." Still with us in Athens, Greece, is Paul Mason, economics editor at Channel 4 News.

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1 comment:

  1. 1) The new AIPAC English Channel: Greece is on the same continent therefore it cannot leave Europe, unfortunately, however they are able to have a different currency, and Europe is force to accepted it, because they are on the same continent unless they erect a wall on Greek borders. Now you got this virtual economical wall circling Greece, however since Greece cannot separate itself from Europe, unless there is a biblical flood, Greece will in fact be on equal terms as the past-present reality materializes. The BRICS banks are an alternative on this virtual economic warfare, because of Greece location history and logistics of the European culture. Europe’s cultural reality cannot be a European body without Greece. Europe neither cannot be Europe without the norther nations; alternatively, simply said without Greece Europe does not exist as a whole continent. Neither without Russia and the northern regions. Therefore, this division created by Washington and the IMF, world bank dollar control; is the same economical division that the sanctions methods that the troika applies to Greece, Russia and china, Iran and many other nations with this dollar as reserve currency of chaos. In short, divide Europe to save the dollar 19-27-39 style.
