Friday, July 24, 2015

Donald Trump at U.S. MEXICO BORDER , Pushes Immigration Reform

Donald Trump spent Thursday touring the U.S.-Mexico border, the area that has fueled his rise in Republican politics and spawned criticism of him by opponents and Hispanic groups.

"There is a huge problem with the illegals coming through," Trump said during his visit, repeating his pledge to build a wall on parts of the too-leaky border.

"In certain sections, you have to have a wall," Trump said.

Under attack for accusing Mexico of sending "criminals" and "rapists" across the U.S. border, Trump said he supports legal immigration, and claimed that most Hispanics agree with him. The New York businessman, wearing a white hat with the slogan "Make America Great Again," said he employs "thousands" of Hispanics, and his relationships with them are very good. A new report estimates that 2.5 million illegal immigrants have entered the United States since Barack Obama took office in 2009.

The Center for Immigration Studies released a study Monday citing data from the Center for Migration Studies, Pew Research Center and the Census Bureau that indicates 400,000 illegal immigrants on average have entered the country annually since 2009.

From the middle of 2013 to May 2015 alone, 790,000 illegals have come into the United States. These undocumented individuals entered the country after President Obama unveiled a controversial executive order in 2012 to stop deporting young illegal immigrants who entered the country

Obama administration will seek an emergency court order to move forward with President Obama’s executive action on immigration.

Officials at the Department of Justice (DOJ) plan to seek what is known as an emergency stay that would essentially undo a Texas-based federal judge’s injunction from earlier this week. If the stay is granted, the government could restart a pair of executive programs that will shield millions of undocumented immigrants from deportation. Donald Trump  prepared to arrive in Laredo for a tour of the US border, Infowars captured astounding footage which shows illegals sneaking across the Rio Grande river before they frantically throw huge bags The Obama administration ordered a local Border Patrol union to cancel their meeting with Donald Trump, the billionaire presidential candidate said at a press conference today.

Meeting with city officials in Laredo, Texas, about the growing threat illegal immigration poses to South Texas and the nation as a whole, the real estate tycoon detailed how his team was “virtually in the air” when his staff received the call that local Border Patrol Union #2455 representatives had cancelled their meeting with him. In the five weeks since Donald Trump became a Republican presidential candidate, he has insulted Mexican immigrants, rival White House contenders and Arizona Senator John McCain, his party’s 2008 presidential nominee. univision telemundo Donald Trump Campaign Paid Actors $50 To Cheer On His Announcement

That’s just the way his staunchest supporters like it.

Pundits say the real estate mogul, 69, may have overplayed his hand this weekend when he said McCain was not a hero despite enduring four years of torture in a Hanoi prison as a Navy fighter pilot during the Vietnam

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