Friday, July 17, 2015

CONFEDERATE FLAG RETURNS - A Divide & Conquer Agenda by Elite?

 A few protesters waving large Confederate battle flags greeted President Obama as he arrived at his hotel in Oklahoma City on Wednesday. “We’re not gonna stand down from our heritage. You know, this flag’s not racist. And I know a lot of people think it is, but it’s really not,” said Trey Johnson, who drove three hours from Texas to join the protest. “It’s just a southern thing, that’s it.”

Have you heard the new one about how Bill and Hillary Clinton’s decades of civil rights advocacy was just a cover for their closet Confederate sympathies? But the national debate over the future of the Confederate flag that flies in front of the state’s capitol has unwittingly given rise to one of the more bizarre Clinton conspiracy theories to date: that Bill and Hillary Clinton, despite decades as civil rights advocates and their right-wing caricature as Northeast liberal elites, are closet Confederate sympathizers.

From a bikini to a bottle opener to a belt buckle, the Confederate flag shows up on all sorts of merchandise online. eBay said it would ban the sale of the flags and "many items containing this image,"Johanna Hoof, an eBay Just hours after eBay's announcement, an Amazon official, who was not authorized to comment publicly, confirmed that Amazon is pulling down Confederate flag merchandise.

The action comes In the aftermath of the racially charged massacre of nine black worshipers in Charleston, S.C., last week. Major retailers Walmart and Sears also announced they would stop selling items depicting the Confederate flag. a search for "Confederate flag" on eBay yielded thousands of results falling under cellphones and accessories, sporting goods, jewelry and watches, crafts, computers, even pet supplies. A similar search on Amazon yielded nearly 30,000 results. If Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, and the other serious contenders for the Republican nomination state capitol in Columbia, Haley didn’t just do the right thing by the victims of last week’s mass shooting at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston black parishioners in a South Carolina church and the arrest of a white suspect By midafternoon Tuesday, the Dixie Flag Company in San Antonio had sold 25 Confederate flags in 24 hours, according to the company’s president, Pete Van de Putte. Usually, the company has no more than three orders a week for the flags and sometimes only three in a month, he said.

But, the Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia is an important symbol for others. Frank Earnest of Virginia Beach, the great-great grandson of a Confederate soldier, and himself a member of the Virginia Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, calls McAuliffe's decision a betrayal. Hillary Clinton commended the groundswell in anti-Confederate flag sentiment at an event in Missouri on Tuesday, calling the battle flag "a symbol of our nation's racist past."

The shooting, Clinton said, was "an act of racist terrorism perpetrated in a house of God," but one where the men and women killed "did not die in vain, did not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Of all the Republicans running for president, Jeb Bush has the most direct experience dealing with the Confederate flag, a symbol once again dominating national debate in the wake of a deadly shooting at a Charleston church last week. It seems he has changed his tune in the last three years somewhere, however, given that he was using the symbol during his 2012 re-election campaign. Hillary clinton had her own brand of Confederate merchandise in 2008. Indeed, Obama had his own Confederate flag campaign badge, which states “Where the confederate flag still flies, we have built a powerful coalition of African Americans and white Americans

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