Monday, July 27, 2015

Benjamin Fulford: July 27th 2015: Russian Pentagon alliance putting end to Khazarian Mafia Rule

Benjamin Fulford - July 27th 2015: Russian Pentagon alliance putting final end to Khazarian Mafia rule & Clarification On "Zap" July 20th Report Ben issued 2 reports this week, his usual geopolitical update as well as a clarification. The clarification is in full below. In honor of Ben's request to withhold posting the full update until 3 days have past, here is the partial update. This post will be updated after 3 days have pasted since its initial release.

Clarification The July 20th edition of Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis opened with the following quote attributed to a top Pentagon person. “Just Watch is as it unfolds. You will be tempted to get a pitchfork ready here and there but, just leave it in the closet. All should be accomplished without a shot being fired if everything goes according to plan.”

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1 comment:

  1. china is not against americans they are against the AIPAC nation, 8 billion folks worldwide are against this AIPAC nation call usa of america: AIPAC owns congress the white house main media hollywood and wants to impose this AIPAC civilization in europe and elsewhere. the planet does not agreed, reason why china russia and every intelligent and civilize person defends itself AGAINST the special relationship of the AIPAC civilization and the american citizens who believe on the american dream but they got the AIPAC nightmare that you people live exist and die for it now. it begun in 1776, got official control of the nation by 1913, and barney's freud's nephew sealed the AIPAC civilization deal, from 1913 to 2015 AIPAC has brought you wars ideologies and continues even today with the IRAN sitcom, and the ukrainian jerusalem.
