Saturday, June 6, 2015

Will the Collapse of the USA Make A Civil War - Morris

we could spend all our time wondering how america's gonna collapse 0:03 United States I mean it's been defying collapse for decades 0:08 it species will continue but is unlikely 0:12 were all expecting the clap so the dollar or 0:15 have some form of collapse of the social structure 0:18 and one wonders where could end it the official is just 5 percent of the people 0:24 out of work 0:25 but in reality well according to the Sputnik news agency 0:29 there's 18 to 23 percent unemployed who knows what the real figures are 0:34 those over 50 million on 0:37 like food stamps and benefits and there's not much hope out there 0:42 you know love people say well it's all controlled by Zionists with which is now 0:48 your 0:48 the headquarters design is amiss being put in israel but 0:52 we know there is i anus Christian Zionists also its designers 0:56 but then there's a whole other category of people that don't 0:59 consider themselves zionist but they don't wanna be critical it is really 1:04 don't wanna say Israel controls everything you know 1:06 you know the drought that they're happy to be critical United States is very 1:09 strange because the light was to be American citizens 1:12 but they won't home in on the foreign control the gonna be labeled as 1:16 anti-semites and they're just as bad or worse 1:23 I mean a lease with design issue no what you're dealing with 1:27 the others it just free to talk 1:30 there will be a an anti-semite saying that the Jews a controlling everything 1:34 anyway jews in a race I'm not a Jew 1:38 I was raised up nurtured to be a Jew 1:41 but it's not in my blood that's their law 1:44 not my law their lawyers has got to be in your blood anyway 1:49 maybe they'll be a civil war in the United States 1:53 who would it be there's a racial element 1:58 their white people very sensitive to their heritage there are 2:01 black people there are hispanics 2:06 there's the prospect of martial law 2:08 there's the prospect very much up for american troops being used 2:13 and trying to take the guns away from people is just 2:17 don't know where does speculate how it's gonna collapse 2:21 but the jobs going out and the boys are more more expensive 2:25 and the debt is going up in its many many trillions of dollars that cannot be 2:29 paid 2:30 so 2:35 a class will probably happen very quickly as opposed to gradually 2:39 they were actually chinese companies now withdrawing from 2:43 United States sir from being listed in a on the 2:47 exchange in Osaka exchange and choosing to use it instead 2:51 on the Shanghai exchange so there's a UMass 2:55 migration away from america even though the capitalism 2:59 Shanghai once we rated up there along with New York to London 3:03 meantime I'll you got the New York Times 3:07 try cause sinus mouthpiece supporting wars rationalizing the wars 3:11 I'll featuring article about 3:14 somalis being invited to a main community to form the police force 3:20 in other words the picked up some somalis 3:23 moved into the united states and their integrating them into US 3:27 which is the game plan at work is the evidence a bomb 3:30 the game that plays just transporting all 3:34 native indigenous people away I mean somalis been a hotbed of 3:38 proxy wars and an american involvement all along 3:41 so joining the dots 3:45 we can see what they were doing in somali bombing it and and making trouble 3:50 there 3:50 is to get them to migrate to London 3:53 Paris New York America an absurd thing to do wish to do but that's what is 4:01 governing the world 4:02 and no publicity is given to it as it being 4:07 partisan agenda it's all Justin 4:10 symptoms of wars and conflicts you know you know Yemeni refugees by the million 4:14 coming 4:15 now this is this is a a feather in the cap old 4:18 design this war mongering and 4:23 and you all the countries are in huge debt I mean if their fortune off to a 4:27 skate war 4:28 and refugees they've got these huge debts the can't pay 4:31 and so that's the case Greece it can't pay its debts 4:34 it's not the only country pender people are withdrawing the money out of the 4:38 banks 4:39 and it brings to light the nature of the banks that they don't actually hold all 4:44 the money 4:44 that they were in control of just a small percentage 4:48 well China star in Asian investment bank 4:53 multi-billion dollars gonna supersede all the other banks 4:58 on 5:04 the 5:07 so George Galloway who i've seen. see saudis 5:10 pro-law studies da and DA studies brotha you don't know 5:14 he's a politician also is human and it would be very reasonable 5:17 to she saw we all do one person's on left then he moved to the right 5:22 that he gave a party politics and saw the mall is criminals 5:25 but anyway he's running for London Mayor Annise a charismatic person who knows 5:31 how to talk 5:32 and he wants to have Max Keiser as is 5:35 economic adviser is all publicist the stunts but 5:38 is worth a repeat you know 5:41 it's someone that we've known I love championing 5:45 the underdog the Palestinian cause cetera but he lost his election 5:50 in the Muslim community where he was before Bradford 5:53 and he is a politician 5:57 Jeremy Corbin is also 6:00 what you'd say on the the outside of the mainstream British politics is known for 6:05 being anti war in on the left and he certainly in a minority 6:08 and he's trying to run for leadership for the labor party 6:19 is better them most politicians 6:23 but we we don't need 6:26 anything anymore are 6:30 political paradigm no longer works and no one could stand up against it 6:35 not George Galloway not Jeremy Corbyn 6:39 no one can stand up against 6:42 this monstrosity is running the world is creating 6:47 huge amounts of bloodshed and devastation 6:50 everywhere a message to refugees and just sing refugees is just a small part 6:55 of the story 6:56 these people being terrorized they've lost relatives they've been turned 7:00 against their neighbours 7:01 they've lived together for thousands of years with other people 7:04 to a different sects suddenly is a major divide 7:07 this be encouraged everywhere and it will be encouraged in the coming 7:11 American Civil War you have a color revolution inside America 7:14 you have people being supplied weapons to fight each other 7:19 with no idea what's gonna trigger it if it happens 7:22 but somehow america's to collapse from the inside 7:25 not from the outside that's what happens two empires 7:29 that's how the collapse 7:38 the deputy secretary of state for the United States 7:41 thinkin has said that airstrikes have killed 7:45 10,000 ices fighters I was suppose to 7:51 believe America doesn't like I said I think america's terrify devices 7:56 I also is a player's supporting ices many are allies of the United States 8:00 but the world is gassed 8:04 the Caliphate was destroyed in the Ottoman times 8:07 they don't want an Islamic state so 8:12 Iran his sending fifteen thousand fighters to Syria 8:17 to fight the ice is 8:20 and hi sis is allies immediately province and 8:25 Iranian general has said this while visiting Syria he wasn't with Takia 8:29 and these fighters that Iran is sending 8:33 they're they're more like militias there there not really a regular Iranian Army 8:38 soldiers but you can see the war is expanding 8:42 and depending on the Iran talks in resolutions the Iran talks this month 8:46 that that could mushroom outta control a.m. 8:51 its its escalating is is the point 8:54 you go to war by proxy nail and 8:59 there are right-wing forces in lebanon big big huge mistake 9:05 taken infinity to explain to understand take a long time 9:09 so the fighters iran is sending a you come from Iran 9:13 iraq probably Yemen 9:16 and Lebanon its 9:21 I is not black water but there's something you know it's not a state 9:24 government 9:25 body either is not a military outfit so they're fighting in phnom 9:31 around hosokawa in the northeast of Syria now 9:35 it borders the Turkish area and M 9:39 the kurds say the jihadists are likely to win 9:43 and the government Syria forces will retreat 9:47 that they have generally been treating retreating over the last month 9:50 losing territory to the insurgency 9:54 to the jihadists but Nasrallah 9:58 is saying he can make a million israeli 10:01 refugees now I just saw this in French and I don't speak French 10:06 but it translated like that he can make a million 10:10 israeli refugees it's long been touted that next war with Hezbollah 10:16 will include hezbollah going into Israel 10:19 a say the Northern Cali area 10:22 so we can assume that's true 10:26 tunnel warfare has become very sophisticated in the three years of 10:30 fighting in Syria 10:31 tunnels are being extensively used and Hezbollah 10:35 uses bonkers a great deal so 10:39 on towards war we go 10:43 if you can send any donations 10:46 please send whatever you can I 10:49 depend on the donations totally and completely

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